
Restaurant Marketing Strategies To Kickstart Your 2023 Restaurant Success

Want to get ahead of the game? Let’s start 2023 off with success! Learn how with these marketing strategies.
Amanda Hamel

It’s about to be 2023, and you’re going to open your first restaurant. You’re excited about serving delicious food that people love and want to come back for more! But before you can reach this goal, some things need to be done first. You need to set up a marketing strategy so that people know about your restaurant when they see it or hear about it in the news. Here are some tips on how:

Set goals and develop a strategy to hit them.

Setting goals is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your restaurant's success. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

The best way to set SMART goals is by asking yourself three questions: What do I want? How will I measure my success? When will it be achieved by? The first question is about defining your goal; the second is about how you will measure it, and the third is about setting a deadline for when you want to achieve it.

You want to set SMART goals because they will help you focus on what's important in your business and guide you in making decisions that will help achieve them. For example: "I want a 20% increase in sales by 2023." This means that if a customer buys $100 worth of food or drinks today, he or she could pay up to $120 tomorrow. So if this goal were met within the designated time frame and within that time we had an additional 20% increase in sales from where we started off—then our goal SMART would have been accomplished!

Know your audience.

We say this all the time, but knowing your audience is key to successful restaurant marketing. You need to know who they are, what their needs and wants are, how they think, and why they do what they do. If you don't understand these things, then it's most likely not going to work out in the long run.

Start by identifying your target market: Who is going to be visiting your restaurant? What will make them choose your restaurant over any other option out there? Do these people have a certain type of personality or lifestyle that sets them apart from others in their community (i.e., do they prefer burgers over salads)? Once you've identified this information with precision and accuracy you’ll be able to understand your audience and start converting them into loyal guests. Just make sure you have a loyalty program set up in advance (we can help with that!).

Develop a website and mobile app that shows off your restaurant.

A website is the first thing people see when researching a restaurant, so it's important to ensure it's well-designed and easy to navigate. The best way to do this is by hiring an expert web designer who can help you create a site that will attract customers.

Make sure your site has high-quality photos and videos that show off the food or other aspects of your business. You should also include contact information on every page of the site so customers can easily reach out if they have questions or concerns about their meal at your restaurant. Make sure you have an online reservation system as well!

Don’t forget about your restaurant mobile app! This is also where many guests will have the first impression of your brand. You’ll want to make sure your mobile app and website are cohesive, so your guests will have a successful experience no matter how they interact with your restaurant brand. Our platform can help you achieve these goals and set you up for a successful year with a fully branded and customizable mobile app!

Create social media profiles that are on brand.

Creating a social media profile for your restaurant is a great way to build awareness, attract customers and make sure you're the first place people think of when they want to dine out. Here are some ideas to use on each platform:

  • Facebook: This is where all of your friends will come from and it's free! Start by creating a page with photos and short descriptions about what kinds of food are offered at your restaurant, as well as its location. 
  • Twitter: Twitter is another great way for customers who love eating out but aren't necessarily looking up reviews before heading down out to eat. Create an account with relevant hashtags like #foodie or #bestrestaurantsnearme so that everyone knows where you hang out!
  • Instagram: This one goes without saying really. It’s the perfect place if you're trying hard not only to build a loyal community but also to provide visual content too! Remember though that everything needs moderation - don't post too much content or else followers won't be interested anymore. 

Strive for positive reviews.

Getting positive reviews is an essential part of your restaurant marketing strategy. It’s not just about getting people to come to your restaurant, but also about building relationships with them and making them feel good about coming back.

Reviews can be found on various review sites like Yelp and Google, local newspapers, magazines, and blogs. You might even want to get a few TV news stations involved in the mix! The more reviews you have on these websites the better because it shows that other customers have enjoyed their experience at your business too.

Reviews are great because they give your customers a chance to say what they think about your business, and this can help you improve in areas where you may be lacking. It will also show people who haven't visited yet that others have had a positive time at your restaurant!

Partner with local businesses and organizations to get the word out.

If you want to get the word out about your restaurant, it's important to partner with local businesses and organizations. These partnerships can help you promote your business and share great food at the same time!

Here are some examples of local businesses and organizations that might want to work with you:

  • Local grocery stores like Whole Foods or Walmart
  • Restaurants with their social media accounts or other influencers who have an audience in your area
  • Local newspapers 
  • Local sports teams or events

Make a plan for your restaurant’s marketing efforts in 2023.

Before you start planning your restaurant's marketing strategy for 2023, it's important to first determine what you want to accomplish. Do you want more customers? More repeat business? A higher average check per customer? What are the goals of your campaign and how do they align with your business goals?

For any plan to be successful, there needs to be a clear vision of what success looks like. Determine that, and then make sure that everyone working on the project has a clear understanding of their role in achieving those results. It’s also important that everyone involved knows exactly what they need from each other so that no one person is left out or forgotten during this process.

Once someone has laid out their goals and expectations for themselves and others involved with making these happen, they can start thinking about how they would like those things accomplished through different channels like social media accounts or websites or even potential partnerships with other local businesses or organizations.

You’ve read through all of the tips we have for you in this blog, but what can you do with them? Well, we hope that this has inspired you to start planning your restaurant marketing strategy for 2023. If not, then maybe it will give you some ideas on how to get started on something tomorrow! At the end of the day, there are many ways to market a restaurant and we hope that this blog gave you some good insight into what works best for your business. Happy new year!