Boost Loyalty Programs with Effective Data Collection Techniques with Peter Baghdassarian of Massis Kabob


QR Codes: Simplifying Loyalty Programs - Having customers sign up for loyalty programs can be a complicated pain for business owners. With Massis Kabob, Peter Baghdassarian has streamlined that process with QR Codes and less data collection for frictionless customer experience.

Importance of Functional Technology - It seems like a simple concept to not release an app before it functions correctly. However, it happens and Peter Baghdassarian firmly believes that it should not. With the increase in technology reliance, he thinks it is important for companies to have technology that functions properly to obtain and maintain customer trust. 

Honesty in Tech Sales - Peter Baghdassarian receives quite a bit of sales calls with salespeople attempting to sell the latest and greatest innovation. In the name of efficiency and relationship building, he believes it is best practice for sales pitches to be as honest and transparent as possible during their interactions.


Building customer loyalty can be a daunting task for many businesses, but Peter Baghdassarian, the current head of family-owned quick service Mediterranean micro chain  Massis Kabob, has made it remarkably straightforward. Leveraging QR codes and a no-nonsense approach to technology, Baghdassarian is setting new standards for customer engagement and satisfaction.

Simplifying Loyalty Programs

One of Baghdassarian’s key strategies is using QR codes to simplify the sign-up process for loyalty programs. The approach has proven highly effective, allowing Baghdassarian to gather the information of up to ten customers per hour at the point of sale. By integrating QR codes into various touchpoints, including receipts and the company van, Massis Kabob makes it incredibly easy for customers to join their loyalty program and start earning rewards immediately.

"We have a QR code, it's actually Incentivio enabled," explains Baghdassarian. “We've put the QR codes everywhere. We even have it on our van.”

Functional Technology: The Foundation of Trust

The increased implementation of QR Codes is a nod to the overall increase of reliance on technology in today’s tech-driven world. Therefore, the functionality of customer-facing technology is paramount. Baghdassarian believes that launching technology that works as promised is a way to enhance a seamless customer experience that fosters trust and ongoing engagement.

"Don't launch something unless it works,” he states. “If it's clunky... people won't use it.”

Honesty in Tech Sales: Building Genuine Relationships

Baghdassarian’s commitment to hospitality extends beyond customer interactions to his dealings with technology vendors. Being approached by a large number of tech salespeople, he values honesty and transparency in sales pitches. For him, this helps build strong, lasting relationships and ensures that Massis Kabob only adopts technology that truly meets their needs, avoiding the pitfalls of over-promised and under-delivered solutions. 

"I don't think any restaurant or any business that's buying software appreciates somebody coming in with a filler sales pitch. Be honest." Peter advises. “I just really appreciate that honesty.”

Peter Baghdassarian’s insistence on functional technology and straightforward approach have significantly enhanced customer loyalty at Massis Kabob. By simplifying processes and fostering trust, Baghdassarian provides a blueprint for other businesses aiming to build strong, loyal customer bases.

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Peter Baghdassarian spent over two decades in the entertainment industry, contributing to live-action films, TV series, and major animated projects before fully transitioning to the restaurant sector. He now co-manages and expands Massis Kabob, a family-founded Mediterranean quick-service restaurant chain that started 48 years ago, alongside his brother. Under their leadership, Massis Kabob has grown to seven bustling locations in Southern California. Peter's enthusiasm for technology and cuisine drives him to continuously seek ways to enhance the business, integrating new tech for improved efficiency and customer experience without losing the essence of what has made Massis Kabob beloved for nearly half a century. An alumnus of the University of Southern California, Peter holds a Master’s Degree in Communication Management from USC Annenberg School and a law degree from USC Gould School of Law, and he frequently shares his insights as a speaker on industry panels.


Data Delicacies is a weekly podcast that dives deep into the world of technology and data as it pertains to restaurants. Host Arun Kumar interviews some of the best and brightest in the industry about all things hospitality tech, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

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