
Restaurant Loyalty Software: Is it right for my business?

Stuck on the fence about whether or not to implement a restaurant loyalty program? We'll help you make a decision that you won’t regret!
Amanda Hamel

Restaurant loyalty software is a great way to keep customers coming back, reward them for their spending, and grow your business. In this article, we'll explain what restaurant loyalty software is, why it's important for your restaurant's success, and how you can use it in your restaurant.

What is restaurant loyalty software?

Restaurant loyalty software is the platform you use to create a loyalty program for your restaurant. It can be used to track customer loyalty, reward customers and generate revenue. Most businesses are aware of how important it is to keep their customers happy and engaged, but when it comes down to actually doing something about it, many need help with what steps should be taken next. The good news is that there are plenty of options available when it comes to the creation of an effective loyalty program for your business.

Why use restaurant loyalty software?

Using restaurant loyalty software is an easy and affordable way to make your guests feel appreciated and boost your retention rate! Restaurant loyalty programs can help you attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back by rewarding them with discounts, free food, or other perks. 

Along with those perks, you also will have access to valuable guest insights that can be used to make data-driven decisions in your business. The ability to track customer behavior across multiple platforms makes it easy for businesses owner/managers who don't have time themselves but still want an accurate picture of how their business is doing overall–and what needs improvement!

Who should use restaurant loyalty software?

Restaurant loyalty software is for anyone who owns, manages, or works in a restaurant. It's also a great option for restaurant owners who want to grow their businesses and attract new customers. Loyalty programs are beneficial when combined with your restaurant's online ordering system. When your guests can order online and still be able to use their loyalty rewards, it’s a win-win!

It’s important to note that this type of software isn't just for restaurants; it's also used by hotels, bars, and other types of businesses. This means there are plenty of benefits for any business looking to increase customer satisfaction with a loyalty program.

What are the benefits of creating a loyalty program for your restaurant?

A loyalty program is a sure way to keep guests happy. When guests feel appreciated and rewarded for their loyalty, they're more likely to return. For example, if you offer free coffee refills on Wednesdays, they'll be more likely to visit next Wednesday again.

Using restaurant loyalty software is a diverse way to drive sales to your restaurant. About 64% of loyalty program members spend more money on each transaction to maximize point earnings.  Loyalty programs with point systems give guests a reason to return and make the trip worth it. Customers are 54% more likely to pursue future purchases after their third visit to your restaurant. The recurring visits produced by your loyalty program will mean an increase in sales and revenue as you’ve never seen before!

How to choose a restaurant loyalty software provider.

When choosing a restaurant loyalty software provider, it's important to keep in mind that you'll be working with them for years. You want to choose a company that has a good reputation and is easy to work with. They should also have an experienced team of people who can help you out when needed.

P.S. We specialize in creating on-brand restaurant loyalty programs built to transform the way you do business!

Should you offer rewards for different levels of spending or just one level of spending?

Reward programs are one of the most effective ways to encourage customers to spend more at your restaurant. Research shows that rewarding loyal consumers for different levels of spending drives up the average amount spent per customer.

But what kind of rewards should you offer? And how can you make sure they're relevant and easy enough for your customers to understand? We've got answers!

What kinds of rewards can you offer customers with your loyalty program?

Rewards can be freebies, discounts, or even free food. They can also be tied to specific times of the year or types of customers: frequent diners or first-time customers. And they can also be based on location. For example, offering rewards for people who eat at your restaurant on a certain street but not another one nearby.

You can reward your guests by using a points system based on how much they spend, or you can reward them after a certain number of visits! These are just a couple of examples of restaurant loyalty programs, but you have the freedom to do whatever works best in your restaurant.

How can you ensure that all of your customers feel rewarded and that they have a good experience when they dine with you again?

Rewards programs are an important way to encourage repeat business, but it can be difficult for restaurant managers to know exactly how much value each customer will get from their loyalty program. You should consider these factors when deciding whether or not to offer a rewards program:

  • How easy is it for customers to understand what they’re getting? If the information isn't clear, then no one will know how much value they're getting out of the deal!
  • Is there an easy way for them to access their points or coupons? A lot of people don’t like having to hunt down their old receipts because those slips are usually tucked away somewhere on the person who bought them.
  • Does it fit into your business model at the moment and do you have room for growth?

Restaurant loyalty programs can help keep customers coming back and help grow your business.

After launching a loyalty program you’ll start to notice guests return to your restaurant more often, which means that you'll have an opportunity to sell more food and drinks. They'll also be more likely to recommend your restaurant to others, which means that you'll get new customers through word-of-mouth marketing.

Loyal customers might also tell their friends about the delicious food at your restaurant and make sure they come by when they're in town or visiting a nearby city. This can result in increased sales for both parties involved! The customer gets his favorite dish at home again instead of ordering delivery from somewhere else; meanwhile, restaurants like yours benefit from increased foot traffic because people want to come here again after having enjoyed our tasty menu items last time around!

Now that you know more about restaurant loyalty software, it will be easier for you to decide if this is the right solution for your business. While there are many benefits of using a loyalty program, one thing to remember is that you should only do so if it makes sense in your industry and fits with how customers already spend their money. If not, then don’t worry too much about what kind of rewards might work best—you can always change them later!